How To Incentivise Upskilling In Your Workplace

Upskilling In Your Workplace

If you run a business, one of the key things you need to know about improving your workplace’s productivity and output is how to encourage skills development. Many people want to develop the skills that are necessary for the job, but sometimes are unsure of how to gain access to training programmes, skills development workshops, and more. On the other hand, some people may struggle with motivation, especially with all the trials of everyday life. Finding ways to incentivise upskilling through the workplace could make a huge difference to your progress and output as a business – and these tips can help you work out an upskilling strategy. 

Identify Necessary Qualifications

One of the main things that you need to do if you want to upskill your workforce effectively is to ensure you know the right types of qualifications your workers need. For example, if you run a business that works in an office, different workers in different job roles may need other qualifications. If you run a construction company, your staff may need to get the appropriate construction NVQs for their occupational role – especially because of changes to the industry. Once you have made a plan for each employee, you will be able to start the upskilling plan. 

Create An Encouraging Environment

It’s also essential to create an encouraging environment that supports upskilling and skills development if you want your staff to truly engage with the workshop, training or qualification that you want them to complete. By ensuring that your environment is a place that values training and skills development, through promoting a good mindset and encouraging employees to work together, they will be able to develop the skills that they need. Ensuring that your staff know to come to you if they’re struggling will help them feel more motivated to complete all of the tasks. 

Buddy-Up System

One technique that has been working well for other workplaces is through implementing a buddy system if you can. This would include pairing up employees who need the same qualification or training, and encouraging them to work together and support each other through the process. Building a strong team that will support one another is essential if you want to ensure that your employees see the workshop or qualification through to the end, and can strengthen your team’s communication skills. 

Demonstrate Outcomes After Upskilling

A barrier that may be hindering your team’s skill development progression might be the lack of vision when it comes to upskilling. Many of your employees may not see the ‘end result’ of them getting their qualification, especially if they’re doing the same work and already have most of the skills. For example, many construction workers may have the necessary retrofit training, but not have the actual qualification to validate their skills – which prevents them from getting certain types of work. By showing the ‘end-result,’ you can motivate your staff and help them complete the qualifications and certifications that they may need. 

Search For Funding Opportunities 

It’s essential that you’re looking for funding opportunities if you want to incentivise upskilling in your business. If your budget is stretched too thin, you might not be able to provide as much support that you ideally need to. However, this is where funding opportunities for skills development can help you manage this and utilise more of your allocated skills budget. There are many funding streams available, including NVQ funding, free online workshops, part-funded seminars and more – you just need to be looking around in your local area. By finding these funding opportunities, you can find more opportunities for your staff without compromising your budget. 

By using all of these trips, you can start developing an amazing skills development staff for your workforce – which will definitely pay off when it comes to gaining more work, diversifying your projects, and taking your business to the next level.